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Golf accessories you didn’t think you needed

An Asian female golfer using a scope range to check the distance to the green

Shiny clubs and golf balls in pristine condition. You’ve got everything you need to hit the links on a sunny afternoon, right? Wrong! Sure, you need the bare essentials to play the game, but there’s a wider world of golf accessories out there you should consider – not just to up your game but to make sure you’re prepared for everything on the green. Here are just a few of our favorites.

Rain gloves

We’ve all been there: a day that starts with clear blue skies makes a turn for the gray, dreary, and wet. Even hobbyists know to bring an umbrella when they’re out in the green. But what’s equally important is a pair of rain gloves. Not only do they help keep your hands dry and warm, but they’re designed to keep your grip steady on a slippery club. If you’re not the type of person to let the rain ruin your game, a good pair of rain gloves is essential.

Pitch fork

No, not the farming implement – this is a pocket-sized tool that golfers can take on a course with them to repair pitch marks. Golfers of all skill levels leave pitch marks – the indentations the ball causes as it hits the ground. Not only are pitch marks unsightly, but they can negatively impact someone’s game by changing the course of a putt. A pitch fork is a handy tool to have because you can fix pitch marks as you make or encounter them during your game.

First aid kit

So you say you’ve never been injured during a game of golf? Well then, you’re lucky! Any game can lead to injuries minor (splinters) to the more severe (pulled muscles). Addressing them quickly can help injuries from turning into something more serious. A basic first aid kit should be enough to handle the most common injuries you’ll encounter on the green. Oh, and don’t forget the sunscreen!


Pros will say you don’t need one. Rookies will say that rangefinders are only for the pros. So, who is right? The truth is, having a device that measures distances isn’t a crutch for unskilled players. Neither is a rangefinder so advanced that it can’t be used by those who are less skilled. The underlying beauty of rangefinders is that they can greatly reduce the time spent prepping a shot. In that sense, they can even the playing field (and keep the folks playing behind you in a better mood).

Portable phone charger

No, you don’t need your phone to golf, but the ability to keep in touch with friends, with other players, and even with emergency services is precious. It’s something that many of us take for granted. Portable phone chargers are small, so there’s really no reason to go without one in your golf bag.

This list illustrates that it’s not just about the things you need to play the game, but also what you might need if things don’t go according to plan. Be sure to prep yourself accordingly and you’ll have a much better time.

There are more than 600 golf courses in Southern California. If this is the kind of area you’d like your next home to be, explore the golf communities offered by California Lifestyle Realty. Call 760.564.1200 today or send an email to info(at)califestylerealty(dotted)com.

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